Friday, July 19, 2019

Civil War Essay -- American History Civil War

Abraham Lincoln once stated, "A House divided against itself cannot stand. I Believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the house to fall. But I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other". More than anything else, differing interpretations about the Civil War drove the debate over the meaning of the Constitution and of the Union. These were, of course, not new issues. Indeed, as Professor Joseph Ellis has noted in Founding Brothers: the Revolutionary Generation both had been on the minds of the delegates to Philadelphia in 1787. And, significantly, they were considered so controversial that neither the word "slavery" nor the word "nation" appeared in the Constitution. In the late 1800's the Southern states began to slowly secede from the Union on grounds that the federal government was limiting their rights, such as the right to own and regulate slaves, which were at that time considered to be property (Monk 208). Slavery was the South's main reason for secession, among other things. The South also, at that time, chose to remain an agricultural region; therefore, it had strong reasons for seeing that slavery, as an institution, continued without limits or interference. At the same time that all of this angst was going on, the Supreme Court was being appointed a case that would add even more fuel to the alread y raging fire. The Dred Scott Decision of 1856 gave yet another argument to this long debate about the issue of slavery between the North and the South. The case itself would not have reached the Supreme Court in the first place had it not been for the fact that slavery and its extension into new territories had become such a continu... ...from the beginning. In contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution, the Union of these states is perpetual, or everlasting (Lincoln's Inaugural Address). Abraham Lincoln stated in his Inaugural Address of 1860 that, " Perpetuity is implied, if not expressed, in the fundamental law of all national governments. It is safe to say that no proper government ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination" (Lincoln's Inaugural Address). I agree with Lincoln's theory because if the framers created the Constitution with provisions for its own termination, then they would have implied that there would need to be necessary cause for such an action. No Union would create a constitution implying temporary unity (Ward 34). Lincoln's words and theory of a perpetual union explains the fundamental statement "no state has the right to secede from the Union."

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